We here at THE CRYPT OF HORRORS have put this web site together to serve as a resource to the availability of horror and cult movies on the DVD video format. We are very much fans of these films and thought that such a resource would benefit other fans since most retail stores do not carry many of these titles and it can be a real pain in the ass to search through other web sites that are dedicated to DVD in general (who wants to search through pages and pages of ALL titles available on DVD when you can get a listing of just the films that interest you?).

It is our goal to make this web site a complete and comprehensive listing of all horror and cult movies available, or due for release, on the DVD video format.

We also list interesting books and soundtracks that are of interest to the fan of horror and cult films. The listing of books is in no way a complete list but we do try to present you the cream of the crop and in the case of soundtracks we try to list the harder-to-find titles that you might not even be aware of exist.

THE CRYPT OF HORRORS is an indepentantly owned web site but we have affliated ourselves with AMAZON.COM and all merchandise listed here for sale is processed by AMAZON.COM

AMAZON.COM is one of the largest (if not indeed THE largest) on-line retailer of all kinds of merchandise, especially books, music and of course videos. They possess a mind-blowing array of merchandise which is why we chose to affliate ourselves with this company.

All we ask of you is that you please use our purchase links when buying any of the merchandise listed here on our web site rather than going to AMAZON.COM directly to order. By doing this you will be supporting THE CRYPT OF HORRORS and insuring our continued existance as well as strengthening our affliation with AMAZON.COM, without whom this web site would not be possible.

Thank you !

- The Crypt Keeper